What you need to know

This is a great blend to choose for respiratory support.

*Registered with Health Canada for coughs & colds.

Supporting the lungs and sinuses naturally with RC blend encourages proper nasal function. 

Rub R.C. on your feet or chest before exercise to uplift and inspire, or massage three drops on your feet before bedtime for comfort.  

R.C. in the diffuser is especially uplifting, it clears and freshens the air and smells amazing.  You are inhaling the oil when you are diffusing.  You can also inhale directly from the bottle or cup your hand over your nose.  All applications take the essentials to your lungs for incredible respiratory support.

Applying R.C. topically is best applied with your favorite carrier oil, such as Young Living’s V-6 or coconut oil. I like to apply as a chest/back rub or to the bottoms of feet as desired.

A Closer Look at R.C.

R.C. has a unique combination of 10 essentials.

Eucalyptus globulus
Contains the key constituent 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol). Another immune supporting oil. Used historically in mouth rinses. Supportive to sore muscles on occasion, after a typical work out.

Eucalyptus radiata
Also high in Eucalyptol constituent, so similar properties to globulus. 

Eucalyptus citriodora
Used in days gone by as linen closet perfumery. Also respiratory and immune supporting. 

Very emotionally balancing and grounding oil. Spruce was believed to have a frequency related to prosperity in ancient cultures.

Cypress essential oil
historically a strong wood used to build ships, statues and the like. Cypress is supportive to the immune system and circulatory system. It is an emotionally grounding oil.

Also includes Myrtle, Peppermint, Pine, Lavender and Marjoram. Such a powerful blend!